Is it okay to relocate a bird?

So, you have captured a bird around your home or inside your house and have decided to do what looks like the humane thing. You will take the animal in a cage or some other kind of structure out to a park or forest area and simply let it go. There, it will have the opportunity to flourish and you will no longer have to worry about this bird causing you any kind of problem. At least that is what you would like to believe? The unfortunate aspect of the pigeon is that these are one of the most intelligent creatures in terms of knowing what their bearings are. If you are unfamiliar with the history of these animals, they have often been used as a delivery system to carry messages over hundreds and hundreds of miles from one location to another.

These birds have a natural instinct that helps them determine how to get back to a location where they were before. It is stunning how they are able to accomplish this, and this instinct has made them the perfect animal to carry these messages, hence how we came up with the term “carrier pigeon.” By taking the bird out to a location, which may even be miles away from your home, you are not really resolving your problem at all. This bird has the capability of homing right back in on your house or other property and returning exactly to where you had taken it from. Consider that before you even arrive back at your house the pigeon may already be there again. Talk about disturbing!

There are really only two ways for you to resolve your pigeon problem for good. The first is that if you are lucky enough to find a wildlife preserve around your area that once pigeons as birds, then that may be your only way to help keep it alive without worrying about it coming back to your house. Your other option is to simply terminate the life of the animal. That may not seem like a particularly appealing option to you, but the reality is that there is no other option that can bar this animal from returning back to your home. You may think that relocating it would be an ideal solution to resolve your problem, but this bird is just as likely to return.

Truthfully, you cannot be assured that it will. It may decide to head in another direction and you may never see it again. The question you have to ask yourself is if you are willing to take that risk. If there are reasons for it to return to your home, then you can be sure that it will. If it has found a place to find food or shelter, then it will want to return to those locations because it knows that this is a place where it can find the things that it needs for survival. You really may be only left with one option.

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